
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Class 7: Invest in what you know

EQ – Why is investing in what you know a good strategy?
  1. Access
  2. Click the Learn tab at the top of the website
  3.  Read and take notes on Level 2 – Invest In What You Know
  4. Read and take notes on Level 2- Working at the Stock Market

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Class 6: The Stock Market & You

EQ - How are all of us personally connected to the stock market?
  1. Knowledge Check
    • What is a company?
    • Explain Public v. Private
    • Define IPO.  How does an IPO happen
  2. Activator: Up Close and Personal (Part 1)
  3. Discuss Part 1
  4. On Your Own - Laptops (Part 2)
  5. Class Stock Exchange (whiteboard)
  6. TOD - How are we personally connected to the stock market?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Class 5: How Do Company's Make Money?

EQ – How do companies make money?
  1. Knowledge Check
    • What is a company?
    • Explain Public v. Private
    • Define IPO.  How does an IPO happen?
  2. Activator: Lemonade Stand
  3. Discussion Question: How did you make money? (TPS)
  4. WeSeed - How Companies Make Money
  5. Case Study – Amazon
  6. TOD - Answer the EQ

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Class 4: What is a Company?

EQ - What is a company?
  1. Activator – What is a company? Video Link
  2. Public v. Private Companies
  3. Going Public – The IPO
  4. Case Study: Going Ga-Ga for Google
  5. Class Discussion

Monday, February 7, 2011

Class 3: Functions of Banks

EQ - What are the functions of banks?
  1. Mini-Lesson: History of Money Review
  2. Bank Account Presentations
  3. Collaborative Pairs – Level I Lesson I – Functions of a Bank
  4. Advanced Organizer
  5. Debreifing
  6. Case Study – “You Can Take that to the Bank”